On the topic of work, this is my last week of advertising (ever?) - counting down the days seem surreal. I've left other workplaces before, but this time it's different. I won't be starting anywhere new - I will be funemployed (by choice, I might add).
This leads me to think about some of the great things I get to do at work and to be my crazy, eccentric self without having HR breathing down my neck. Here's just a couple of things I get to do at work that make other people both judge me and secretly (and sometimes openly) envy me.
(1) Forward Inappropriate Photos and Viral Videos
Why are people in advertising some of your coolest friends? It's because they are always the first to get the viral video forwards and then finally share with you non-industry folks on Facebook. One of my favourite photos of all time was forwarded to me by a co-worker, it made me crack up for about 5 minutes and it's a t-shirt having fun with Tourettes. In fact, I bet you if you search all of the reaction videos to 2 Girls, 1 Cup, the three biggest demographics would be teenagers (obvs), military (they are a bit messed up with all that war stuff) and ad people (we do it for the shits and giggles - no pun intended).
I believe at other companies, this would be flagged and you'll get a warning email from IT and HR. Cunts.
(2) Drinking is OK because we have a beer / spirits client

One of my friends asked me about five months ago at dinner, "Terence, honestly, how much do you drink every week?" In her eyes, I saw some true concern while waiting in anticipating the answer. When I said, I probably drink about 7 - 8 drinks a week (1 per day, really folks), her face fell. I guess she was thinking I would say about 15 - 20.
Alright, Mad Men has certainly helped perpetuate the fact that we are consistently drunk. It doesn't help that we have a party for absolutely about any occasion - someone's goodbye party (drink), Christmas (drink), a new client win (drink), showing up to work (drink).
But look, when you have a client that is a beer or liquor manufacturer / distributor, you have the obligation to help support that client, just like I do with any other Clients I've worked on (well, with the exception of that time I worked on hair colouring).
We work hard, we play hard and we show up the next day (with dark sunglasses and the garbage can placed strategically near our feet).
(3) We're mean and judgmental (and like making close to the line racist comments).
At the casting session I was at today, I looked down at my notes and was so shocked that I could write such blunt comments down - if ever expressed to that actor directly, I am pretty sure it would reduce him to tears. But hey, if you're saying it, it's likely others will too; as agency folks, we have to be critical.
Besides casting, there's just some other fun moments that help break up tense moments at work - those moments where you really need a joke to help elevate everyone's spirits again. Thankfully, I've been able to leverage my ethnic background to help lighten the mood. Using a Chinese accent while saying "Oh solly, so solly" or exiting stage left like a Japanese Geisha while pretending to play the mandolin has always worked for me to get people to do what I want. Now that that secret's revealed, I guess I can't use it anymore. Shit, now I have to get the old rice hat and planter's outfit out of storage.
Boy, I can go on and on, but I'll likely get myself and other people in trouble - this should be enough to keep you slightly entertained. Whatever, I'm sure there will be even more incriminating blogs coming out soon. Just you wait until my "Things Good Bosses Do" post.
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