Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Being Disconnected = Always Being On Time

I must confess, over the last five years, I've let being punctual to events slide. I was always really good about being on time during high school and university, but for some reason, when I started working, punctuality was thrown out the window.

A big part of that, I believe, was the fact I was so connected with people. A quick email, SMS, BBM or Facebook post was an easy way to excuse yourself for running late. In fact, that was probably a motivation in me not getting ready in time because I knew I could always send a simple text and it'll all be okay.

Over the last two days, I've been without cell phone and internet at home. I've been forced to steal wifi from Starbucks and other coffee shops to catch an hour or two of connection with the outside world - to make my appointments and slot them into my iCal. I've noticed one key thing - I've been early and on time for every appointment so far. The fact that I'm not connected means I have no ability to contact people that I'm late, which forces me to always be on time.

Perhaps this not being connected thing wasn't such a bad idea after all. Who knows, maybe I'll start spending my time on other (more productive) things now that I don't have the internet or TV to distract me.

Now, if the people I'm meeting up with were actually on time...(cough) Jean George...

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