Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saying goodbyes...

Yesterday was a tough day. My last day of work for a long, long time. Most people must be thinking, "You're fucking crazy! How can you possibly find it so tough to leave work?!" The answer is simple, it's hard to say goodbye to such amazing people who've made you laugh, learn and grow as an individual.

I often joke about how I don't have any emotions - strict Asian parenting has reinforced the message that crying is a sign of weakness. But I'll admit it was hard even after the first couple of handshakes and hugs to not get that lump in your throat feeling - that step right before you're about to bawl your eyes out. Thankfully, Sailor Moon tears did not emerge from my eyes, but a sad face was crying on the inside.

What made it even harder to say goodbye was the fact that so many people showed up Thursday evening at the Pilot for goodbye drinks - it truly made me feel special. My agency friends from my past three agencies showed up to my sendoff and it was was great to be reminded of how many awesome friends I've made in the last five and a half years. I truly appreciated all of you showing up and helping me get intoxicated to the point that I had trouble remembering where I lived.

I left work just a tad early yesterday afternoon and as I walked out of the doors of 2 Bloor St. West for the last time, I repeated to myself, "I'm really doing this. I'm done working for a long time." Then a big silly grin appeared on my face.

To all my lovely friends in advertising - much love and mad respect. You're good, kind-hearted and hard working people who have made a big impact on my life. Thank you.

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