Monday, January 30, 2012

What I'll Miss About Toronto: #22 - Cottage Country

As immigrants to this country, my family had no clue what the hell a cottage was. In fact, I wasn't exposed to what a cottage was until I was in grade 11 and a bunch of us went to Sarah Curtis' cottage up north. I had a great time - thank God Sarah was a good swimmer/diver as there was a terrible moment where my glasses sank to the bottom of the lake (and I needed them to drive everyone back home). We were fortunate enough to visit the cottage again the following year - awesome lake, we slept outside on the trampoline, and played nothing but board games for the entire time we were up there. A peaceful and relaxing time.

I've been fortunate enough to go up to my friends' cottages ever since - and this past weekend, I had a great time at my friend Jesse's family cottage up north. An amazing snowfall allowed us to go trekking around in snowshoes and experience "Earthing" as Brandon called it, where you just lay on the snow and stared up into the sky. No city noise to distract you - just one with nature.

One amazing cottage to call out is my friends Kasia and Jordan's getaway. I've been able to go up for the summer and the winter - the latter wasn't the greatest experience, but the company was great fun. Many thanks to all of those who have invited me to their amazing places up north - they were some great memories.

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