So to help me cope, like it always does, I've made a list and from now until I leave, I'll reveal a new item on my list of "What I'll Miss About Toronto" along with other posts.
Sitting at #25, are the incredibly fun industry parties that agencies and their suppliers hold every year. I've been fortunate enough that throughout my five years in advertising, I've attended my fair share of industry parties - many good, some, well, let's just say I didn't RSVP the following year.
These past two months had been crammed full of parties - most recently was Yahoo! Canada last night (not impressed that I had to wait in a line, to go into another line to get in so that I can line up for coat check, but nonetheless, it was still a good time) and AdBall that happened tonight (a bit of a snore - the only saving grace was the company of Rebecca Ho and Kim Hunter and the poker tables).
Coupled along with the industry parties are the many fun agency internal parties we have had at the various agencies I've had the privilege of working for. Most notable was my appearance at the 2007 TBWA\Toronto party where I danced so much that somehow I ripped my pants in the back all the way down my butt crack. From there, a lovely coworker who I shared my embarrassing moment with decided to make the tear even bigger by ripping it open (see side photo) and by that point, there was no going back. Go big or go home. So I went big (thankfully, I had black boxers that night under my black pants, so it wasn't that obvious that I've just ripped my pants open.
I'll miss these fun drunken times. Thankfully, there are a couple of going away parties along with my own - scheduled Feb 9th at the Pilot Tavern - so I can still hold onto one last chance of partying like a Mad Man.
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