So after the fiasco that was Tuesday's mistaken travel itinerary, I'm finally sitting in the airport waiting to board my direct flight to Taipei. What a journey it's been just to get to this gate. All you can do is to laugh at the mishaps that happened along the way.
I am really going to miss Toronto and the friends I'm leaving behind. Since 1989, I've carved out a life here in this amazing city and built some great friendships along the way. From elementary, junior high, high school, university to my working life, I am so grateful to have met such talented and amazing people along the way. With too many to name, please note that all of you have helped me be the person I am today and that all of you have impacted my life in a positive way.
The past eight weeks have been incredibly difficult. As time quickly started ticking away until I had to leave, every minute of every interaction with my friends felt much more important. Having gained about 10 lbs in the last two months (I'm going to say it's likely from the excess drinking and the lack of going to the gym because of said drinking), I'd like to think of it as 10lbs of love from friends I'm taking away (cheesy, I know).
I say goodbye to a great city - Toronto is a beautiful place and really the safest place I've ever been so far. It's the only place where I have felt stumbling home drunk at 3am by myself was just as safe as if I was to walk to work at 8am in the morning. Toronto is also a great place to learn about other cultures. I am so happy that I grew up around people from around the world and got to know their heritage (so I don't appear to be stupid or ignorant when I meet new people).
So this is it. 30 min left in TO - at least for the next year. I've said this to many people in my last weeks - 2012 is a year for change. If there's something about your life you are just not happy with, stop complaining and do something about it. I hope all the best for you, my friends!
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